I have to say, as soon as I saw this, I realized I had done this before. I was
interested to see what it would say. I am an ISFJ, which is exactly what I
scored about 2 years ago when I took this. That makes me feel good about the
test. Makes me feel like it is legitimate. Basically, I am an introvert that is WAY
to nice and let people walk on me. And that is about the most true thing I have
ever seen. It is amazing how these kinds of things can be so stinking accurate.
Also, funny enough, it says people with the ISFJ personality types make good
customer service representatives. That is only what I have done my whole life.
I am in school to be a therapist, and after taking this test again, I feel it is still a good
fit for me. I get to be introverted while caring about someone else and their problems
and get paid for it! Sounds like a winning deal to me! Honestly, it makes me understand
how and why I write what I do now too. I am a very blunt writer. I am a very
passionate writer. I get my thoughts, feeling and emotions out better through writing.
I can be more clear, more precise, and keep you on track better than my words.
The only emotions you feel while reading are the ones conveyed through words. You
can't read the emotions on their face, or read it from body language. When you read
emotions like that, I feel it creates falsifications in how someone really feels. But emotions
through words are real. They should hit you in the deepest spot of your soul. That is
why I write like that, because I am an ISFJ!
I think I would like to take this test again later down the road to see if mine stays the same. I think that it would be interesting to see. I think it is interesting that the your doing the job and want to do the job that is associated with your personality type; same with me. I like how you get your thoughts and feelings out through writing, I do too. I think many people probably do. I liked getting to know you through your writing and test results.