Monday, September 29, 2014

Final Blog Post... For Class anyway...

Well, the assignment is ending, but maybe my blogging is just beginning. I think the purpose of this was to make us think. To share our writing and not feel pressured to do it in a certain way. I learned from this that I should be a little more sheltered in what I type, as my boyfriend wasn't too happy about some things I was blogging about, like our details of moving. I can respect that. I should have watched my typing a bit more. Thank you to the people that read my blog and gave me feedback. I enjoyed this assignment. I think it did me a world of good.


  1. You do realize that this Blog is not over until Sunday, October 5th right???????

  2. As far as the details, i can understand someones hesitancy for putting those online. But i think that it can add a lot to the legitimacy of your blog. Especially if you are wanting this to continue.

  3. Irene - The main purpose in this assignment is to practice writing while gaining fluency. Keep pushing yourself in the direction of your dreams. ~Ms. A.
